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Various aircraft cargo hatches and receiving size

日期:2015-2-13  阅读:1101次

Unit: CM
The machine before and after the cargo door Bulk cargo door Note the goods size
MD - 82 * 75 * 125 125 82
MD - 90 * 72 * 125 125 90
A - 320 120 180 * 170 * 180
The B737-200, 85 * 120 75 * 75
The B737-300, 85 * 120 75 * 75
B757-200 110 140 * 130 * 140
Fk1 - FK - 100, 75 * 65 * 65 to 55
Figure - 154 135 80 * 70 * 80
B - 146-146 * 76 125 * 125
B767-200, container board, box 120 * 90
A - 300 container board, box 120 * 90
A - 340 container board, box 120 * 90
MD - 11 container board, box 120 * 90
Note: 1, fk1 - FK - 100 piece weigh no more than 80 kg.
2, other bulk board piece weigh no more than 150 kg.
3, when receiving, grasp the goods size according to the size of the goods.